»en Español Is Al-Anon for You?

Help is here for the asking. Our 20-question self-quizzes can help you decide if Al-Anon may be of help. Take one or both of the quizzes below. If you identify with some of the sentiments, we encourage you to give Al-Anon a try!

"Are you troubled by someone's drinking?"

Do you worry about how much someone drinks?
Do you tell lies to cover up for someone else's drinking?
Do you blame the drinker's behavior on his or her companions?

These are a few of the questions from the Al-Anon pamphlet is designed to help you decide whether or not you may be affected by the excessive drinking of someone close. Take the quiz online or download a pdf document of the quiz.

"Did you grow up with a problem drinker?"

Do you constantly seek approval and affirmation?
Do you fear criticism?
Do you care for others easily, yet find it difficult to care for yourself?
Do you attract and/or seek people who tend to be compulsive and abusive?

These are a few of the questions from the Al-Anon pamphlet that is designed to help you decide whether or not you may have been affected by the excessive drinking of a family member. Those of us who have lived with this disease as children sometimes have problems, which the Al-Anon program can help us to resolve. Take the quiz online or download a pdf document of the quiz.

Hope For Today
Image of Al-Anon's Hope For Today book

Based on the sharings of Al-Anon members who grew up with alcoholism, this
Al-Anon daily reader
is for anyone who wants to grow in acceptance, compassion, and understanding.

Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism
Image of Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism 2018 pamphlet

Al-Anon members share their stories; therapists and other professionals also share their perspectives. Hope and help are available, whether the problem drinker has stopped drinking or not.

© 2013 Al-Anon Family Groups of District 20. All Rights Reserved.